Friday, June 3, 2011

to test or not to test

Today, I am 12 DPO. I can do HPT over the weekend but I am so scared. During the last couple of years, I would say that I became addicted to HPTs. I would buy a kit a day after my missed period even without knowing anything about cycles, ovulation, lutheal phase, etc. etc. After each test comes disappointment. I get myself excited and would wake up early in the morning just to pee on the stick. 3 minutes later, excitement would turn into a huge disappointment. If someone would chart my emotions, they would think that they are looking at a rollercoaster drawing.

Over the past two weeks, I was really anxious... excited as well. Now that I'm nearing the end, I suddenly felt scared. Would this be another disappointment or would this be the moment that I have been longing for?

I've read somewhere before that buying an HPT kit is like buying a lotto card. Shooting for pregnancy is just like hoping to win the lotto jackpot... for a TTC couple, that is.

To test or not to test, that is the question. I could just go on with my daily routine as if nothing happened and wait if AF would come or not... I do have a history of not getting AF for a month. But it is as if I can act normal just like that. Can someone just wake me up when I'm finally pregnant???

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